Tuesday, October 04, 2005

The one about baking cookies, a sick dog, and group hugs.....

Over the weekend we had John and Sylvia come over to eat lunch and watch some football on Saturday..and Sylvia who told Tiffany she had never made cookies that you have to cut out with a cookie cutter (I think it was a ploy to get Tiffany to make her mom's famous sugar cookies, heh) so here they are making cookies....(while John and I enjoyed the HT watching college football).....

And here is a famous photo of cookie flour/dough on the noses of the bakers...hmmmm I wonder if this picture was staged....to look cute...hmmmm.....nah ;).....

Here is the guys @ Tiffany's youth group giving Matt the one in the middle a group crushing...oh I mean "hug" group hug...yeah that is what I meant...and you can guess how I got this picture...you see the first one we gave Matt I was in on the hug...but then I remembered that I needed t o take a picture of it...so needless to say Matt got a second "hug"...those guys are so loving, heh....

here is a very sick dog Halo...and me trying to take care of him and I fell asleep...heh....it turns out he was just very constipated...but we were really worried...he was just in so much pain...even called the vet...but he eventually fell asleep and did some much needed business the next morning...he is back to his humping self now!....man I look out of it, heh.....

Lastly...here are the roses that are blooming in front of the house!!! It is the first of October and this is the most blooms I have seen on them yet..... they really are beautiful! and it looks like there are more to come... Well, that is it for today.... yall have a great week and God bless ya....take care and go see Serenity the movie if you haven't already...it is a good break from reality! God bless ya...and never forget to KUTPs!!!! oh and the TEB has been updated.


Anonymous said...

Hey DG...I think you ought to know that Peter Jackson is producing and is very possibly directing the movie version of HALO.

- Eason

DGH said...

Yep!!! Looking forward to that one...but I would rather them make the Hobbit, then Halo, heh....maybe Halo can be before the Hobbit....but what ever the case....I really want them to make the Hobbit!

Anonymous said...

I'm confused. In the picture of you and Halo, can you tell me which one of you is laying where? I can't tell you apart! Just messing with ya, brother!

DGH said...

Not too far off Cody! But I bet in a fight you woud know which one was Halo, heh...actually we woul dboth probably hug you to death...Halo woul djust be "huging" in his own special way, heh.

Anonymous said...

dEAR D.G., I loved all the pictures--they were just great--the flour noses, the sick dog and caring-about-dog father, and the roses. What a good blog. I love to hear about you. Love, Mom

Devina said...


this IS the Devina from BSM days; i found your blog through greg anderson's. how am i sermon worthy- i want to know.
oh, and sigur ros rocks!

DGH said...

Oh Devina....your whole life is sermon worthy, heh....I will try to remember some of the sayig you used to tell me and get back to you....I remember one time....I was being my sweet/nice (others said it was flirting...but I really was being nice and sweet) And I walked up to you and told you that you looked really good that day...and you were giving me a hard time and said, "D.G. lires go to hell" and my response was.."not true at all they go straight to heaven if they have Jesus". heh heh.....ah the good old days of giving Davenia a hard time...and her jsut smiling back for response, heh....I hope you know I do miss yall and love ya!!! Take care and God bless ya!