Tuesday, September 06, 2005

The one about poker, Jungle Jim's, and hurricane Relief

Well, Tiffany an d I hung out with John and Sylvia Choi on Sunday evening....They had us over to eat home made SUSHI!!! Dang it was so stinking good...and then we went to Jungle Jim's and then to a Starbucks where I proceeded to kick everyone's gluts in Poker, heh.... Here is John and me standing in front of a huge banana and strawberry...you should have seen the grocery store!....

Here is Tiffany and Sylvia in the parking lot of Jungle Jim's...I think they stole my camera when I was not looking...heh....and I did some touch-up work on this photo...can't tell can you? heh...your welcome Tiffany and Sylvia, heh.....(actually it is in the background, heh)

What you can not see is the water park behind this crew in front of Jungle Jim's that elephants are playing in and giraffe's are drinking from...they of course are not real...but how many grocery stores do you know of that have their own fish hatcheries for fresh fish...and 3 dedicated isles for hot sauces?...and to top it al over a water park for plastic animals!!!? heh....

Here is Tiffany with all of Sylvia's poker chips in Starbucks...and Sylvia?.....

Aaaahhhhhh poor Sylvia...she lost all of her poker chips to Tiffany (in that round)....and it did not take me long to clean house, heh.....lots of fun had by all...good times good times....oh and check out Sylvia's tee shirt, heh...(and another "eh" for good measure just for you Greg!).....

Today I spent the entire morning and lots of my afternoon taking and packing supplies for the hurricane Katrina survivors....We had two trucks carrying full (very full) beds of water..and the church van packed to the rim with health kits and blankets...then we drove to Louisville to take them all to the conference office where other churches have dropped off supplies to take to the gulf coast..... this is at the conference office showing everyone boxing up the supplies......

In this one you can see the small truck loaded on the left and next to it a semi-trailer that is about to be loaded. there was so much water and supplies...it was a great time had by all...and I would do it al over again 50 times in one week....the bishop his wife...and several United Methodists and Firefighters were there to help unload and box supplies and then place them all on trucks...Apparently they left out today @ noon...but we had to get back to work...so we came home....Well, that is all for today....it was a long day and I have another one tomorrow...with driving to Indianapolis to visit another church that is doing what we want to do...and then we drive back to go to our church's Carnival...where I will have pie thrown in my face....yeah I am sure it will be lots of fun...and very tiring...so...for me...for others...and for you...KUTPs!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Next time we see y'all, we'll play some poker with you and Tiff. I would be willing to bet (if I were a betting man) that I could take Tiff out. I think I could obtain the ability to get in her head!

DGH said...

That could be true...but lets be honest here....who in their right mind would ever want to go in there? ha ha ha ha...just kidding Tiffnay love you girl...actually she is a good poker player...she just never can understand that I never bluf...well maybe only once in a blue moon, heh...and that kills her.... ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

I want my chips back!

DGH said...

What...they are my chips in the first place...but readin gyour comments...with the picture above...it does send chills down my spine...especially since I have seen you with a knife!!! Dang you can Chop!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Liked silly pictures and flood relief pictures. Love you Mom