Thursday, June 30, 2005

The one with the fish zoo, heh....

Well we went to Newport and the fish zoo, heh...we had lots of fun...and here we are (except for Tiffany taking the picture) in front of a big fish metal art was cool!....

Here is the picture that was worth the price of mom in the bird room...Oh man..I need to frame it and give it to the family for Christmas, heh.....

there is my family in the shark tube...sharks to come....

but first the sting I loves these guys!!!.... ||  Posted by Picasa

Shark 1.....

Shark 2....

Shark 3....

shark 4... and yes we were that close in the shark tube...very cool....almost as cool as a tornado, heh....

Well, after looking at fish all day we got hungry and went to a restaurant to eat is Tiffany licking her plate...even if it was only salad, heh....yall take care and God bless you!! I am praying for you...yes you...and I ask you to....KUTPs!  Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Ahh, gotta love Newport. Please tell me you visited all the other awesome places around there... You could spend a whole day there, between the movies, Barnes and Noble, Cold Stone, and the irish pub... What more could you ask for?

DGH said...

actually, just a few more, life, and Jesus....but I had all those there the only thing that would make it better for me would be....hmmm...I don't know...maybe a few robots, friends through all the years of my life, HS, College, Seminary....maybe a fly fishing stream with trout...and well, maybe lastly....Erwin McManius...that would be cool...or maybe David Crowder...or Chris Tomlin...that would be cool as well...heh heh...OK I must go to bed now..and memorize the sermon for tomorrow...good night!