Tuesday, June 28, 2005

The one about my family coming n to see us.....

Well, My parents and Aunt made it just fine here on Sunday and yesterday we had lots of fun finalizing our unpacking...and then just enjoying each other as much as possible....Here is a picture of Halo getting comfortable with the new house.....

this is a "wow" sunset yesterday! It looked very much like the shot of heaven in the movie Constantine...with it breaking through the clouds...but I had to zoom the picture to make it even noticeable...and it made it blurry...but you all get the idea....

And lastly here is my wonderful family! We had to eat @ Frisch's (thanks for the spelling Ben) Big Boy at least one time for my parents...because my Mom and Dad ate there on their Honeymoon and so my Dad had to order the hot Fudge Sunday for my Momma...even if she did not want it, heh.......Tiffany and my Aunt Harryette ate across from one another and all you could do is here them giggle and laugh...with their inside jokes...for some reason they both get along very well...maybe something about them both enjoying sweet sweet people (best summary of both of them) or maybe it is because they both enjoy Impish thoughts and smiles....what ever is the case...I sure do love having them both around...and having my parents here tops it all off....Now if we could have just got Sheila here and my Nannaw and Tom, heh.....oh well, that will have to wait until Christmas...heh....Well, I love you all and please have a wonderful week this week...and I sure that I will with my family in spoiling us with wonderful food and even better company....please don't forget to smile at a stranger today and let them know you actually do care about them...(don't' just do it to do it, heh) love yall take care and KUTPs!!!!!!!!!! Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...

I think its spelled Frisch's. Yeah, not that anyone really cares haha. Back in the olden days, they used to be even better. Same thing about Pizza Hut and KFC before pepsi bought them... Bah, all this talk of food makes me hungry, time for lunch. Later!

DGH said...

Yeah, when I found out that thier burger had tartar sauce...I asked for mayo instead, heh....yeah!