Tuesday, May 31, 2005

The one about me visiting home and Ryan's wedding....

Ok, it has been a long time since I bogged...but I was gone from Thursday through Sunday. I went to TX to do a wedding for one of my best friends (during High School) Ryan! I had a lot of fun and I got to spend a lot of time with my family........ I will blog all of these photos first and then I plan on doing another set of pictures in which I show yall where I grew up (Floydada TX) and al the memories that went with them all....but first off the trip....this picture is of my Nanaw and her husband Tom (she remarried a wonderful guy after my Grandad passed away) My Aunt Harryette, and of course my Mom and Dad! It sure was great to see them all........

Here is the most beautiful woman in the world (second only to my wife) my Nanaw!!!!!! Sure she is God's, Tom's, and my Aunt's and Dad's (Daughter, wife, and mother respectively) But EVERYBODY...better know that she is my NANAW!..........and I love her to pieces..... || Posted by Hello

See what I mean!!! Heh heh heh...I sure do love her!!!

Well, while we were in Lubbock, I called up another of my best friends in High School Scott and his family and they met us with Tiffany and my families to eat lunch before Ryan's wedding...it was wonderful to get to see them and man of man their little girl Zoe is sure cute...but here is Scott and me posing for the camera...dang do I have 7 or 8 chins?...when Scott and I were in High School together (he was 2 years my senior...old fart, heh) the lunch ladies would always get us mixed up...oh man that was great....we could even tell people that did not know us that we were brothers and they would believe us, heh heh...but now-a-days I have shaved my head and (huh...muffled noise gotten fatter...muffled noise) heh......

Here is Scott's wife and little girl...... Kristi and Zoe...notice that Zoe has a smiley face heart tattoo on...she loved the camera and especially Tiffany....hmmmm she must have good tastes, heh......

Here is Zoe handing me her favorite Dinosaur! who dang...she is a cute one.....

ad one more with some more dino love! You know that is cute...oh man....almost makes you sick it is so cute...heh......

OK here is Ryan the morning of his wedding and he got his truck stuck in the mud outside his house....he was not too happy...but I think my presence lightened the situation...and it cracked me up because his shirt said....." Trust me. I do this all the time" Ha Ha Ha....he was such a great sport that morning and he let me take his picture....now you must understand that this all happened 1 hr. before his rehearsal the morning on the wedding, heh....

This tire is bad...but you should see the other side.....

Oh yeah...not that is stuck, heh....and to top it all off....behind the truck was the trailer with all the sound equipment for the wedding and the reception afterwards....it was bad...but in the end it al came through and the wedding was wonderful! love ya Ryan...and God bless you and Sarah!!!! (Thanks again and I sure had lots of fun!)

Here is Tiffany and my Dad right after the wedding when w were saying good bye... Tiffany loves my father's rosy checks and can not help but to pinch them every chance she can get so here is the captured moment in time....I think my Dad love sit too, heh.... not bad for a District judge, heh..... Oh did I mention that I forgot to sign the wedding certificate? heh yeah...but I will be in Lubbock soon and I will just do it there...I told Ryan that he really is married especially in God's eyes....but that the government might not accept it until I get there in time to sign it, heh....if that is not soon enough I will just send him a self addressed envelope and do it that way, heh..... good times...good times....

Well, this Sunday was Namiqa's (my previous Sr. Pastor for 2 years) last Sunday @ St. John's. the church threw her a going-away reception...and I just had to get a picture with her family....here is Walt and me.....

Will (Namiqa's son and me) BTW: I am taking all of these photos with my arm extended, heh..... and last but not least....

here is Namiqa the great gand poo ba herself! Heh heh heh.....I will miss her so much...but I am very glad that she is going back on the cabinet in Big Spring TX...and I really am happy for her...... you can tell that even in her last few hours with me she still did not know exactly what to do with me....heh just kidding...I think she was still trying to not smile and let everyone know that she was happy (as well as sad) to leave, heh heh heh...but then again it could be me again, heh..... well, this is the end for this post...but I and going to post another one right back to back...so I hope people with read them both, heh.....just incase if you don't read both posts..... God bless yall....and please KUTPs!!!!! Posted by Hello

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