Thursday, March 17, 2005

The quick one.......

Well, Tiffany and Sheila and I came back to Jay and Sehila's house to take a quick nap and to take showers from sleeping @ the hospital last night. Tiffany flies out tomorrow morning we are just going to pack up te air bed and have Tiffany and I and Sheila sleep there @ the hospital and then I can drive Tiffany to the airport tomorrow morning and then come right back to the hospital and the air port is a lot closer to the hospital then Jay and Sheila's house.

Please keep praying for Jay please please please! The Dr. came in this morning and said his kidney is working more normal now...but everyone is worried about his stomach right now...due to the infection, Mucus stuff, and iritation from the radation. It is very sensitive to touch and is a possible breeding ground for a lot of bad stuff. So the Dr.'s want him to move around a little and not aloow the stomach fluids to settle and give bacteria a place to form. So they are incouraging Jay to move around and try to use his stomach muscles more.

Thanks for your prayers and be listening for more phone blog updates because I will not have internet @ the hospital. Thank you and God bless yall!

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