Friday, February 04, 2005

The one about Jay getting his adventure and looks like his is on another roller coaster ride...

Here is Sheila's latest

Feb. 3rd, '05:

Cracker Barrel was a success but that's about all he could do. He really enjoyed it. He had the pot roast.

Wednesday when I got home from work yesterday he was feeling really bad. Today, he had a Doctor's appointment at 11:30 and then they sent him for a lumbar puncture (spinal tap) and 2 MRI's they were waiting for a neurologist to come see him because he still has the double vision and the severe shoulder pain and I mentioned to the Doctor that I have noticed that he is a having a communication problem. He is have a difficult time finding the right word at times and will substitute a word that doesn't make sense. He also is having trouble getting what he wants to say verbalized. The Doctor also at my urging is sending his MRI's for a second opinion. (I like to have 2 eyes to see MRI's because of them missing my MS in the spine) He agreed to send them off and thought it wasn't a bad idea.

We have to stay here tonight even though they are calling it 24hr short stay observation. The neurologist will be in tomorrow first thing to see him and they may run tests.

I will write more tomorrow. This is the first down moment, I've had all day and I'm exhausted.



Well, I don't like this and I know they don't. I am sure this is especially nerve racking because Jay is one of the smartest people I know and I can not imagine how frustrating it must be to not see correctly and for your speech to be not what you want it to be. I have been praying for Jay a lot more lately and I was not sure why, but now I know. :) ..................................




I watched Friday Night Lights last night, and it does a good job (a little exaggerated, but what can you expect) about west Texas football. The pressure they showed was extremely true, and the town where I grew up showed a lot more support, instead of pressure on us football players...but the pressure was always there. If anyone wants to know a sample of what west Texas football is like this movie (the book is a lot better of course) then this is a decent one to watch. Of course I was in football later than 1988, but not too much changes in west Texas in 3-7 years, heh. I am sure all you Floydada reads of the blog can understand...but maybe you PA people might not know as much. You NM people probably know quite abit...especially those of you who grew up on a border county and you might as well have been Texans (Cody/ Lovington people) heh heh

The other movie I saw was The Village! I am a lover of M. Night Shyamalan's movies, and this one was a little different, but I like it none the less. His movies are known for their twists and so I will not spoil anything, but I really love a great twist in movies...and I know it would have been much better if I had not read any reviews about it before I watched the movie. With a director/ him it is always better never to read any reviews...because even if they think they are never sharing a spoiler out right...they may hint at it and then it is all messed up from then on, heh. (at least for people with a brain like mine that is constantly asking questions, heh) He is a master @ camera angles and suspense music. He could take Steam Boat Willie and make it suspenseful! ha ha. good flick.......


Well, I must tell you all about Tiffany and I's adventure the other day. Either Monday or Tuesday we got a lot of snow in a little time and I never remember seeing it forecast! I took two of the church's youth out to drink tea at a really cool tea house on Canyon Road here in Santa Fe..after school.
(flash back to the morning)
This morning Tiffany accidentaly ran into my small SUV (Honda CRV) and dented the car right above the front left tire. It is a very big dent. The reason for this is I parked my CRV right in front of the garage (and the front gate) thinking that I was only going to a quick time in my house and then I left it there over night. Now, I thought that Tiffany knew that my car was parked (only about three foot of it) in front of the garage., because she had left earlier that day and came back with out hitting it and saw it just fine. But, this morning, I mentioned that I was sorry about my car being in front of the garage and that I was impressed that she left and came back into the garage with out having to move my CRV.
Apparently, Tiffany took my apology as me saying, "Hey Tiffany I moved my car out of the way from the garage and now you can drive out without looking in your rear view mirror or looking at your side mirrors...or even look out side of the garage when you open it, because I apologize for having my CRV in front of the garage yesterday."
(end of flashback)
Ha Ha... well, a dent in a car is not that big of a deal and in all reality I think it will not cause us to loose our salvation...but man that is frustrating, heh. Ok, well, on Tiffany's behalf, she was sick the day before and that morning, so I guess it could effect her sight and judgment. ;) But then I was heading out to work and I called her cell phone and she had not left for White Rock (where she works) yet and so I met her @ Starbucks (surprise surprise) and had a half of a cup of coffee and sent her on her way. Now, Tiffany told me that she was not feeling good at all, and I told her not to go into work, but she said to me that she would try it and @ noon see if she needed to com home. I told her I thought she did not need to go at all, but reluctantly said OK. (which is normal, heh) Well, she left and right before I went to go get tea (5:00 pm yes, she stayed past noon) with the guys she told me that she was going to stay @ the church through a meeting that lasted until 8:00 pm. Well, I was @ this tea house and while we were there it started to snow.....we really could not see the snow because of the windows being covered in water droplets...(they serve hot tea all day what can you expect condensation will occur, heh.) but one of the guy's parents called and told us that with in the last 30-45 mins. that it had snowed about 2 inches of 2 inches of snow is not that much, but when it hits fast and there are no road crews to clean ANY streets in town, because they are focusing on the interstate roads....the roads get snow packed and very bad. I started to get ready to leave trying to hide the fact that we were going to leave as soon as possible, but I immediately called Tiffany to tell her that it snowed a whole lot and not to come to Santa Fe, because the roads were horrible. It took me 2 and 1/2 hrs to drive from the church to my house.......(this normally takes me about 15 mins.) The roads were that bad... I bet I saw at least 10 cars that had driven off into the ditch, and 4 wreaks on the road...on I had to call 911 for because it was blocking both lanes of traffic on Rodeo Road (no one was hurt...they were all going about 5-10 mph, but still it was crazy) I called Tiffany at least 7-8 times leaving messages for her to not come to Santa Fe, the roads were horrible and just to find a church member to spend the night with. but she would never answer her phone and my worst fears of her leaving and getting stuck on the road between Santa Fe and White Rock were flying all over the place) (especially since we had been meaning to buy new tires for her car and had not done so yet) I finally got a hold of her by calling the church office several times until a real person answered the phone (the wonderful new Sr., Pastor) and I asked for tiffany. I finally got Tiffany on the phone and frantically told her all about my calling and how I was going to start a protest that all women's clothing must have a small pocket on it somewhere for cell phones, just in case husbands who love them need to get a hold of them, and they can turn it on Vibrate and put it in their pocket...(not the purse!) heh heh. Well, then Tiffany let me know that she made it home just fine with one of the ladies from the church and the lady lived in Los Alamos (a dangerous trek in snow any direction you go...and they had the same road conditions that we had.... But she made it there just fine and felt really bad with all the worried messages I left on her cell phone.

The next day she decides to tell me that on the drive up to Los Alamos her car spun on the road three times (3 360's) and ran into a snow bank, to stop her spin. Mind you this is the same day of the dent above her tire! And also the same day that I told her to stay home because she was sick!

Well, she waited to drive back home the next day when the roads were good and man, Did we hug like we have not hugged before, heh. It was an adventure and a roller coaster ride for us too Jay!


For all your Treky fans out there I was to send my condolences to you about Enterprise being canceled. it frustrates me because I saw the first show of it just the other night, and I know I would watch a lot more of it if it was not on Friday evenings because I have date night every Friday night! I know I would watch more of it, if I had a Tivo, but I will not buy a Tivo unless it can record HDTV, and right now those are $1000. The only reason I got to see it last week was that I recorded it with the LG HDTV OTa receiver that I am borrowing from the Albq. PBS station for watching the Super Bowl in HDTV on our church projector and my HDTV, heh oh yeah it is going to be fun! But take hope there is the upcoming DVD releases of the shows and I know that Jay will have to own those as well, heh.


Hey here is another alarm clock for Tiffany!!!!!!!!! This one is not as cool as the other one that runs away from you that I posted earlier, but this one requires you to put together a puzzle to get the snooze to work, heh.

Here is the story


"Remember the Sushi USB drives I loved...well here is something that would be great in my office:

Sushi wind up toys, heh heh. Oh an that is funny! I still need to get one Nunzilla too. It is a wind up Nun that walks and spits out fire, ha ha!

It is not my intention to offend....I have the Jesus and Moses Action figures in my office, heh.


Well enough for today, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and that I finish my sermon and somewhere find a date night for my wife in the mix, heh! Thanks for reading this blog, I hope you all enjoy it and that at the very least it helps you pray and keep Jay and Sheila and my family in your thoughts as well as bring a smile to your face.....and who knows...maybe a smile to your soul, heh. :) KUTPs!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm afraid you're wrong my friend, when it comes to the importance of high school football in Lovington, NM. It's nothing like Friday Night Lights. Football is seen as a fine extra-curricular activity, and absolutely no pressure is put on the players or coaches to win. All I can say personally, is that when I was in high school and playing for the Wildcats, football was never the most important thing in life to me or any of my friends. I never swaggered after wins or sulked after losses. Your wife could come up to me on the field after a loss and say "It's only a game." and I wouldn't yell at her, but rather agree that it's not really important in life. The townspeople wouldn't care if we won State (which we did) or didn't make the playoffs (which we also did). I never had to go to the Coffee Shop with my Dad on a Saturday morning and hear 30 men tell me everything the coach, my teammates, and me personally did wrong the night before. Also, I never got grades or girls simply because I was a football player at LHS.

By the way, only one sentence in the last paragraph is true. Your wife (who by the way, sounds like she still drives like she did in high school/college) can tell you which sentence it is. Hint - It has to do with grades and girls.

DGH said...

How did I know that I would get CB's input with that was almost lik eI gave you the biggest piece of bait I could find, heh. And I know that you had gilrs were just too darn good looking in college to not have the women in High school, heh.