Tuesday, January 04, 2005

the one with Jay's room number....

Sorry, but I forgot Jay's room number is 718 and the phone number to his room directly is:

(412) 578-1084

I would call the room yet, until Jay is thinking better, because all of Sheila's time is spent trying to get him to do what everyone needs him to do. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers and we are leaving now to go take Tiffany to the airport! God bless yall and have a wonderful day! KUTPs!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi, this is Pam (Woody) Meador. I saw your website from the church bulletin. I graduated high school with Jay. I just wanted you to know I am praying for him, and when he is "more with it", tell him I said "Hi" and to get better.


tiffinita said...

Hey everyone...this is Tiffany and you will never guess but my flight from Dallas to Lubbock got canceled!!! I honestly died laughing because this hasjust been the most insane week. They told me that theall the flights yesterday and today to Lubbock were canceled due to the fog, and that I probably wouldn't be able to get out tomrrow withall the back up, so I am actually staying with our dear friends, the Putnams in Dallas and getting to see their precious kids. I thank God for even these little blessings. I love you all and will keep you posted on the continuing saga (oh, and I almost decked a guy in the line who was gripping out the American Airlines folks behind the counter...what a rude dude! They can't help the weather!) Oh, and pray that I find my bags some time in the near century!!!

DGH said...

Hey Pam!!!! I sure will tell Jay about ya! Thanks for your thoughts and prayers!


Hey Girl!!!!! Man I miss you and love you!!!! You are the love of my life and along with Christ...you complete me!!!!!!! I am glad your safe and OK, Love you girl!!!!!!!!!!