Wednesday, December 29, 2004

The one about the Christmas from....

"Where are we all going?
And why are we in a handbag?"
<-----saw on a bumber sticker in Santa Fe Typing...... on a...... ergnomic...... keyboard and it... is.... hard to type on....ugggg...... Well, my parents and I got here tonight very tired, and all of us are a little sick....wich is freaking frustrating, becuase I am not sure if I will even get to see him for a few days until we all get feeling better.... Well, Jay is back on the breathing tube and still in ICU and they say he will stay there for a few days...which I guess is good because that is forcing him to rest/sleep and it forces all of the family to stay away until three viewing hours during the day... 1-2 5-6 and 9-10 pm. This is good for us because it is forcing us all to stay here at his house and rest snd get feeling better! I know I need to feel better and so does all of the fam...except super woman Sheila, heh. Sheila says now that they think the cancer just came back with a vengence and went straight into his Kidneys and lungs, and his WBC count was very high and amzed the Dr.s.....They took off two backs of WBC and hiis WBC count is at a workable level. And he is now under medication to keep it low. He is on Dialysis and will have it off and on as needed. But the Dr. feel like the Kindey function will come back. They are more comcerned about the lungs and have his sidated to keep him on the respirator for at least two more days if all goes well. Please keep him in your prayers...... ====================== My Nanaw (Edwina Emert mother on my Dad's side) is also in the hospital with Pnumoia. She was taken to the hospital via ambulance yesterday and they got her temp down, but then it jumped back up and then the last I heard it is coming back down now. Please keep her in your prayers.... ======================= Tiffany will be traveling up to see Jay tommorrow, and that will be good for all of us because she is such a loving angel, but she is feeling like a warm buck of hamster vomit right now jjst like the rest of us....and believe you me traveling in airports when your sick is not a fun way to fly. Please Keep her in your prayers........ ======================= As some of you might know my father has the same wonderful balance problem that my grandmother has and the sickness is making that act up too (and man you should hear his cough....what a wing dinger that one is!!!!), and so we are all doing double duty taking care of each other and lifting each other up in prayers!!!! please keep him in your prayers....... ======================= Also, when we went to see Tiffany's family yesterday...her nephew Caleb had a 103.5 temp and was coughing up all kinds of phlem. They went to the Dr. and he is much better tiffany said...but please keep him in your prayers.......... ====================== Yep needless to say..........we are all in desperate need of your prayers and thank you all for each and every one of them!!! Please pass our info along to any prayer worriors or chains you can think og and keep the faith! We need all the support we can get! ====================== Going to much needed bed now! Thanks again...and please KUTPs!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here is all of Sheil'as updates on she is good about this! Dec. 29th 3:00 AM

It's 2:46 AM and I just received a call from the ICU Doctor and he stated that
they had to place Jay back on the ventilator. They said they truly had no
intention of removing him from it this morning but since he ripped it out they
would see if his breathing would return to normal. He said their original plan
was to leave him on it for at least 24 hours so that his lungs could heal. They
monitored him all day and he was not doing well breathing wise and this morning
it got worse so they had to place him back on the ventilator. He said I
shouldn't be scared because they originally thought he needed more time on it
anyway and that this will allow him to get the proper rest. They said he was
showing signs of oxygen deprivation. They explained that the reason he was
allowed to come out of sedation this morning was because his blood pressure was
low and they didn't want to risk that going any lower and that is why he started
to become conscience and pulled out the tube. The Doctor explained that this is
truly the best thing for him and that he believes over the next 48 hours they
will be able to remove it again and it should be easier for him to breathe but
that he truly needed this help this morning.

He will most likely be on the ventilator all day tomorrow which means he will
remain in ICU. Anyone planning to visit him will need to wait only immediate
family and clergy may visit during this time.
There is no where for me to set up a computer at the hospital while he is in ICU
and my wireless card for my IPAQ is on the fritz and my usual tech support is in
ICU so that will have to wait. You may have to wait until tomorrow evening for
an update. You of course my try cell phone but it may be turned off because I
am in the hospital (please leave a message and I will call you back

He will most likely be in ICU for the next few days. I still can not see him
until 1:30 tomorrow so I will be home in the morning if you need to reach me

Thanks, Sheila

Dec 29th mid-morning

I just spoke with Jay's nurse in the ICU and he said that they are keeping Jay
very sedated and that his vital signs are good. He said his blood counts
dropped a bit this morning and he will be receiving a transfusion (which is to
be expected). He said the Doctors haven't rounded yet but it is his
understanding that they would like him on the ventilator for another day or 2 so
that his lungs will have time to heal. I will be there to see him at 1:30 so my
next update will probably not come until late tonight. I'm probably going to
try and go to my work in between visits today because it is closer than coming
home and I need something to occupy that time.

If you need anything before then my cell number is 412-973-9476 (leave a message
and I will call you back). Again, Jay's parents and brother will be arriving
this evening and Tiffany his sister-in-law will be here tomorrow. It will be
nice for him to have them here when they take him off of the ventilator and
sedation in a day or two.

Sheila Hollums

Dec 29th Afternoon

I just came from seeing Jay and he is still unconscious and on the ventilator.
They did another dialysis treatment today. They also put in an arterial line to
monitor his blood pressure continuously. The doctors say this is best for him
but it is hard to see him this way. I will be returning to the hospital for the
5:00 visiting hour.



December 29th Evening

I went to see Jay all three times today. It's really hard to see him like that.
He is completely unconscious and they have inserted a tube in his nose too for
giving additional medication. I got to speak with the ICU Doctor and he said
that Jay is labeled serious condition for the breathing issue alone. The Doctor
says his kidneys should make a full recovery over time but he may need dialysis
every now and then.
He could not give me a prognosis on Jay's condition other than it is serious.
He did say that Jay almost entirely stopped breathing on his own last night and
that is why they did what they did.
I was able to have dinner with a friend in between visiting hours and it was
very nice.

The Doctor said he will have a better idea tomorrow once they run to the tests
to see if there is a change in his condition. I spend my time rubbing his feet
(about the only part of him that doesn't have something attached) and telling
him I love him hoping that if he can tell I'm there he'll be comforted.

His family should be here any minute.

I will write more tomorrow and hopefully it will be better news.



Oh yeah, and it goes without saying........Sheila needs your prayers too..........

Got to go. Love yall!

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