Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Blog? What blog?

Well, I must apologies for those 2 of you who check this on a regular time frame. I have been doing lots of stuff, and it seemed that the blog was the first to go and the last to come back...so to the faithful who read this....my apologies. But let me tell you what all has been going on.

1) I have been sick! (Just thinking baout me being sick makes me cough) On last Wednesday I even had hard times breathing due to my cough, so I did a little bit of nothing and tried to get feeling better. (Oh and I am feeling much better now! I am taking 875 mg of Antibiotics 2 times a day and just needless to say I am floating with bacteria killing drugs, heh. But they are working and I feel great!

2) Halo 2 is out and yep you guessed it, I have been playing the game with fervor! The funny thing is that I am normally playing with Seminary Students and other Pastors!!1 ha ha. And Jay just got on and is having some fun, and it is GREAT playing a video game with him! This game truly is amazing, and even some of you adults should experience playing the game over Xbox live and see the amazing community that Bungie (the company who made the game) has created! I have only played with Jay once, but when I did, it was like the good old days when we both would step into a arcade with $10 each in our hands and we would pick a video game that we would want to beat and then play it, keep pumping quarters into it, and beat it while my Mom shopped, and my Dad sat on a bench waiting for all of us to get done, hew.

3) I am preaching this Wednesday a Thanksgiving service and sermon. I will put it up here on the bloc after I give it to the congregation here and then I will give it to you the larger church, hew. It is so weird to me that I am putting my sermons here on the bloc, because it allows EVERYONE to read them and find out how bad or "OK" of a sermon author I am, but it is not the same thing as being present for the delivery. But I figure that if even one person is blessed or convicted and grows in their walk with Christ, then I will put myself out on the line for that any day! :)

Jay Update:

Jay is doing OK. He is a little tired, because he went doing lots of things yesterday, and his stomach is a little weird, and his voice was almost dead yesterday. He stayed up late least night, and that is probably causing his tiredness. He says that it takes him two weeks to get back to normal sleep schedule after being in the hospital. But all in all he is doing good!

OK love yall take care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm still reading, Deeg. Hope you get to feeling better. By the way, Cole will be in the Big L Weds through Sunday of Thanksgiving week. If you're in town, he wants to meet you.

Anonymous said...

First, I guess that makes me the person #2 who checks on a regular basis (daily).
Secondly, why did you capitalize "Video Game". "video game" is not a proper noun.


DGH said...


If I wanted an English lesson I would have turned this blog in as a project to myt teacher, ha ha. Grammer has never been my strong point and typing is right beside that one. Some time I get a little happy withthe shift button and I appologise, but since this blog is a little smaple of my personallity you will get the (very often) grammer and spelling mistakes all over the place.

Thanks for pointing it out and I will try to change it. :)

Anonymous said...

I must be #3--Aunt Harryette

DGH said...

Your a lot higher than that in my book Aunt Harryette, heh. Thanks for reading!