Saturday, October 02, 2004

Ze Ser-mon....

I forgot to get yall my sermon from last week! So, here it is:

Hindsight Really is 20/20

Please don't forget that you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader if you want to view the file.

If you need Adobe then just click this link.

Well, not much more for today. I will be gone to a Pastor's Retreat from Sunday through yes....that means that all three of you will go through withdrawals until you get your next dose of the D.G. blog, but oh well, you will survive just have one of these

and then one of these

and enjoy life!

KUTP! God bless yall!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really appreciated your sending the sermon. I did not realize about the large gate arrangement around the house or that the dogs licked Lazurus's wound because they were hungry. I just always thought dogs licked wounds as a kind of medicine. It does have some antibiotic properties about it. I can just visualize your acting out the story, and I bet that was the very best part because story telling is probably your best way of presenting a sermon. Just keep on growing and doing God's will. Let's just pray that your showing God's love to others will cause them to do the same. Love, MOm