Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Houston, we have lift.....I mean rain...

Man, have we been blessed with this rain!!! woohoo this rain is wonderful and not they are saying that it will be leaving us for about a week, but man for how dry Santa Fe has been the past few years it is nice to see the moisture!!! Thank you God.

(Did anyone ever tell you that the reason it was raining was because you did something to hurt God's feelings and you made him cry? Oh man, that is cruel, heh. Glad no one ever told me that one, heh heh (sorry God)

Well, I was on TheDigitalBits.com (like I am everyday reading the latest DVD news, and I thought I would show you the only thing I have ever won. If you go to this page (scroll down to "November '99 - Weekly Contests") on TheDigitalBits.com that shows all of their winners then you will see my name and the city I lived in (it was Wilmore, KY back then). Yep I will go down in the history records and my name is in bright lights....well.....how about gold......Ok it is yellow, but at least it sticks out more with the black background.

Also, I was going to share with everyone that I had a wonder event take place today!!!!!! Someone actually heard my sermon and talked to me about a problem they noticed about me when I am in front of the church!!! Yes (I know), some would see this as bad, but this means that they heard/listened to the sermon enough to actually follow Jesus' words and came to see me individually, and in love!!!! Woo Hoo!!!!!!! Man, it was a good talk, and I still have some learning on how to talk when I get passionate about something (I come across as being bad, when in reality I am just excited) and of course it is hard when your not used to people telling you something bad about yourself (your natural defenses pop up and you have to pray and put yourself in check), but wooo dang that was so awesome!!!

As a Preacher you spend your entire life hoping that your sermon does not fall on deaf ears, and you hope that people not only hear it, but put it into action and I am a witness of that very thing, and it was awesome (and totally a God thing).

So, thank you to the couple who came to me...(if you ever read this) and please know you will always be remembered for your honestly, and intregrity of living out your faith in the way that Christ desires for us to live (not just speak)!!! Thank you for being the 95%, and making me a better pastor/preacher!

The topic we talked about was a good one to discuss and if any of you would like you can share your thought/s on the matter in the comments (below this post) or on theblessing.org Forum. (it is under general Biblical questions) But the topic is this:

Does the dress of the pastor or anyone in worship matter when worshiping. For example, should a preacher wear a tie and suit every Sunday? What does this have to do with worship? What does the Bible say about this, and what context is it shared in? Where is tradition and where is scripture in this debate? Ok, now go have some fun in the comments or @ the blessing Forum dress topic.

The only other thing I wanted to share with yall is a few pictures of the kinds of hummingbirds I have seen drinking from our humming bird feeders!!! I have never taken any photos of them myself, but man they are so cool. By far the coolest bird in the air (to me). And before the birds, here is a cheesy joke:

Why do humming birds hum? Because they don't know the words to the song. Ha Ha Ha.

Now I am not an expert, so I am guessing on these, but you can click the pictures to learn more about them.

This is a female (apropriatly named for my back yard) Lucifer Humming bird (ha ha)

This is a Female (I think) Rufous. And these love to have their feeder as their feeder and anyone else who comes near will be dive bombed, or fought off. Really cool to know that a humming bird your mixture so much they fight for it, but you tend to not see many other kinds because they are "shoowed" away very quickly, heh. The mean biker humming birds.

I saw one White Eared Humming bird just a week ago.

And I think I have seen two or three of these Broad-tailed humming birds.

Well, there you go just a few of the ones that I have seen so far, and man I love them. I have even gone so far as to make sure I plant Hummingbird mint in my front and back yards to attack them to the feeders. I have seen some of them skip the feeder and go for the natural flowers too. Man, I love them. I think I got hook on them back when we would go camping in our motorhome in NM and CO and I would stick my finger out the window next to the feeder and they would land on my finger to feed. Man, feeling those little feet wrap around your finger is something you will never forget!

Someday if it is God's desire maybe I will feel little hands wrapping around my finger again, but these will be from my baby, heh. I'll keep working on that one....(I really like "working" on having a baby, ha ha ha)

Jay Update:

Well Jay is home now and is tired from his second round of the super 5 day intensive chemo. He still gets to go back every other day for the Rituxan (I think) Chemo, so please keep him in your prayers! I know that he is really worried about the cancer sores again, because they hurt so bad and are just all around frustrating. I know I had only one (sympathy pain for my brother) and it made me sooo mad!! But I just prayed for Jay ever time it hurt and it worked out to be a good thing. That might be why it stayed around for so long, heh. KUTP!

Love you all, oh and for your computer geeks....Microsoft is in development of it's new operating system code named Longhorn. And MS has said that LongHorn will come in different ways, but that one of the ways it will be coming is via HD-DVD (one of the competing High Definition DVD options from Toshiba and others...Competing with Blue-Ray from Sony and others) Very big play for the HD-DVD group if you ask me, but MS did not deny that the new OS could be coming out on Blue-Ray as well. You can find the story here and here. (and the digitalbits commented on it here).

God bless you all and good night....pictures of the hairless bald pastor back to hairy pastor are coming soon, be ready for a fun ride. (HEH the last one sounds bad, I wonder if hair Pastard is a bad word, heh heh) (and I digress...time for bed. love yall!)

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