Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Blinker School

When I was driving home from Whole Foods Market I saw 7 different cars not using their blinkers when turning. This amazed me! During the course of 2 miles I saw 7 of them. I could not believe it! Two of those cars almost had someone run into them from behind because they did not know the car in front was turning because there was no blinker usage! Man, that is just sad. There are too many people in this world who need to take some blinker lessons, or go back to blinker summer school. (This is all coming from a man (me) who lets cars in front of him that are stopped at a green light for over 2 mins with not a horn honk to be heard.)

Well, I typed up a long blog post again tonight only to have my Internet Explorer lock up on me while I was trying to put a link in the post..so I decided that I would try out another internet browser! And this is the first time I have used it and man I like it! I am slowly becoming a internet geek day by day. I know a lot of it, but have never had the time to actually try it out, and man I love this browser (and I have only used it for 20 mins now, heh) If any of you are brave enough to check it out here is the download page to download this great browser. FireFox made by Mozilla. I love the fact that I no longer have to open another internet explorer to view two web pages, because it opens up another tab for each website you go to! I really love that ability, because I am constantly typing the blog and then needing to find a website to make a link to, and these tabs are a VERY nice addition. And FireFox was smart enough to transfer all my bookmarks/favorites, passwords, etc... (I think it is even faster, and besides it is much safer from attacks that Microsoft Internet Explorer)

Well you all go and check it out and see if you like it the same or better, but just like anything computer...you must play with it long enough to figure it out.

I also went to Amazon.com to update my wish list (notice I always put this up for the hint to my family members, ha ha ha ha) and I found a link to another blog that I really like it is gizmodo.com. All you gadget people will love this blog. Basically, this blog covers reviews and news on all gadgets. Oh man, Tiffany is sorry that I found this one, heh.

I also forgot to tell you all that I went to see King Authur last Saturday in Albq. and I felt that it was a very good film. There were lots of sermons scattered in it. It did a good job of showing the persecution of Christians of the time, and also how God and specifically the name of Jesus was used as an excuse to do horrible things to other people. It should be a discussion starter for any Christian. Granted you must also realize you have to see past the violence and the sex, to find the sermon, but I still consider it to be a good movie, and I will add it to my DVD to buy list (that list is probably too long too, heh heh. Well, speaking of buying a DVD so I can find out just how good it is by watching it on my Home Theater I thought you might like to see my HT (Home Theater) so....you can see my HT here:
The Hollums Home Theater and if you ever wonder about my DVD collection then you can check it out here: My DVD Collection. I just thought hose would be cool for you to look at if you are bored.

Jay Update:

Well, I talked to Jay this evening and he was doing good. He got back home from his Chemo and he was very tired, and He said that this time they put a lot of Rituxan in him and they pumped it into him very fast, so he had a bad headache, but still doing good so KUTP!

Well, I love you all, and I must go to bed. When Tiffany is not here (she is gone to elementary church camp) then I don't have anyone to remind me to go to bed on time, heh. Thank you God for my wonderful never deserved wife! God bless you all!


Anonymous said...

You put a link on a comma?!?!?!?! That kind freaked me out - is it like "find the link"??? :D
Did they forget to tell you that no one uses turn signals in Santa Fe? I've used Mozilla for a while now - it has problems with some of the more advanced graphics stuff, but it is SOOOOOO much better than Explorer!!!!!!
Went to theblessing.org, but apparently nobody uses it anymore? I felt so alllllll alone!

DGH said...

Actually the link on the comma is special Easter egss that I hide in the posts from time to time for links to just fun websites. I am glad you found it, but sometimes they are obvious, and other times I try to really hide them. I hope you enjoy them. And please look through all the other posts for them too. For a while there I put on in almost every post!

agree with the FireFox comments. I am now having problems with it working properly in Outlook for my web based email. It is forcing all emails to be text only and does not allow pictures for some reason I will look into that soon.

Thanks for Posting...oh and BTW, who are you? ha ha.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry! What a goof! It's me!!! debbie murphy! LOL

DGH said...

Deb Murphy is a wonderful lady who goes to church here...... WHo inthe world is Charley Murphy?