Monday, June 21, 2004

Star Wars DVD covers...

Oh yeah! If you want to see the Star Wars DVD trailer then you can check out and click on the high or low bandwidth versions! Oh yeah...I can't wait!

OK, the only other thing I have to say is Happy Father's Day to my Daddy! Daddy I love you so much and I can never express it! You are just a awesome, perfect, wonderful role model for life. You are amazing that you treat all people equal (which makes you a perfect judge!) and truly listen to God in all matters...even when it comes to me, heh heh. Thank you for being a wonderful example of what a Daddy is to be like. I hope if it is God's will that I can be half the man that you are some day!

Have a wonderful Day everyone...

Oh, I forgot to tell you all that Jay is home from the Hospital (has been that way since Friday evening), but goes into the Hospital on Monday for another round of Chemo. Please keep praying, and thank you for your love! His wife's birthday is Monday too, so she said that super effective Chemo would be the best Birthday gift she could ever ask for!! ha ha.

Hey Jay I got a phone call on Friday that is from a guy in South Carolina that his whole church is praying for you and tells me about it everytime I talk to him! He is a dang wonderful Church membership software rep, heh. (BTW: if you ever get into a church that wants to get serious about their church membership and computers then I think that ACS is the only way to go!

Just goes to show you that the church of Christ is far beyond any local church or even connectional church, it is truly universal! Thank you God!

The Easter Egg today is for all you girls out there. I can't tell you how many times I played this game in Elementary school (mainly around 4th and 5th grade!) (Any guy would play this game because you got to learn the basics of flirting at such an early age, heh. (You can ask around, but I think I got to be decient at that fliting stuff, heh....Tiffany want to comment? lets see if you actually read my blog, ha ha)


Anonymous said...

I've always enjoyed flirting with you!!!

DGH said...

Ahhh...Cody! firting with you is wonderful, in the most manly, hetrosexual, Christian way possible (of course).

Thanks man!

DGH said...

Cody, stay away from my man!!! ha ha Yes, DG you got very good at flirting. Annoyingly so!!!