Thursday, June 03, 2004

Annual Conference Dia Dos.

Well the second day of Annual Conference got straight to one of the two big issues that we were going to talk about this year. Today we voted on the Clergy health and Benefit plans. It was crazy! @ two points during the voting we were voting to see if we could vote. If that is not messed up I don't know what is. Man, it was crazy! I wish you could have been there! At times I was just cracking laughing at the whole process and thought to myself how much of this is God and how much is of God? I guess we just have to do the best we can with our humanity and hope that god uses us anyway sometimes, heh.

Well, I have got to share with you what I saw today while I was using the bathroom, but I think I will take a camera with me tomorrow and take a picture of it so you can crack up laughing like I did in the middle of...uh....well... I will just show you the picture tomorrow. (how's that for suspense and hooking you to come back tomorrow? ha ha)

Today was a good day, but it is kind of fun to people watch and especially people listen at annual conference. Some people are the sweetest people in the entire world, and others sure are on an agenda, and I truly wonder if their hearts are in the right place. (So, I just pray for them ;) )

One thing I am noticing while serving St. John's UMC here in Santa Fe and while being around the big wigs of the conference is that I honestly do not care about what people think of me. This is a total shift in thought from High School, but I can honestly say that I serve God and I am secure in my life and relationship with God that I don't care what others think about me. I am willing to talk to the sweet people in their groups, and more than willing to listen with the "opinionated" people in their groups. They are all serving God in one way or the other, and sometimes you just have to look deeper and past the opinions to find their heart. It was a good day, but I am tired and I will be going to bed now.

Another shameless plug....
On my way home from conference tonight I listened to the Chris Tomlin "Not To Us" CD. And man I love this CD!! I worshiped all the way home singing at the top of my lungs and when Tiffany and I got home (she was following me home) I asked her if I was driving crazy and she said, "YES! You were going so fast and crazy!". I smiled and thought to myself yeah your right, but dang I worshiped!! Go get the CD and crank it if you like a CD full of worship songs, and man I just love it!

Support Chris and Grassroots by buying and/or listening to his CD here.

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